Weiss Architecture Studio

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem.

Tiruvanmiyur Commercial Complex

The building is located in a typical urban scene of Chennai, a heterogeneous context, an ensemble comprising of skyscraper complexes, masonry cubes or even Office space. The architectural solution confronts the need for maximum commercial space along with retail space while maintaining an architectural quality within the tightness of the site.

The floating façade is cladded with a repetitive module of the fiber cement panels with vertical glass. The different shade of the panels helps to pixelate a gigantic building mass into a mild appearance while keeps stating an existence of the building at the same time. In contrast to the bold outer skin, the interior is dominated by white creating a strict boundary between inside and outside of the building.

This building fills a gap in the historic tissue along the red lines, providing transition between two existing scales. The connection of the internal spaces to the exterior is easily possible by locating the vertical opening on the facade. The design approach places a lot of emphasis on transparency and openness of office space, not only does
